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Mystery-Dawn minecraft server banner

Euch erwartet CityBuild auf der Version 1.16.5 Mit eigenen Shops, Chestshops und einem Adminshop! NPCs und Schilder, sowie Holographische Texte weisen dir den Weg ber meinen Server! Um es euch das Spiel erleichtern, gibt es Jobs und Errungenschaften, fr die ihr belohnt werdet! In meinem personalisierten eigenen Shop auf meinem GS, findet ihr Rnge, Truhen Schlssel u.v.m fr ingame Geld! Seid also der erste auf meinem Server und schaut euch um! Grundstcke, die 50x50 Blcke gro sind! Eigene Flags setzen! z.B /p flag set pvp deny oder /p flag set pve deny Es gibt viele Features, wie z.B Perks und Haustiere! Natrlich haben wir auch Spieler-Features, wie den RandomTP in JEDER FARMWELT! Es gibt eine schne Tabliste, sowie ein tolles Scoreboard. Natrlich ist der Motd nicht zu bersehen. Natrlich lassen sich deine Gegenstnde auch signieren! Und es gibt Rechte auf einen Startkick. Leute... Das drft ihr nicht verpassen! Seid noch heute mit dabei. Mein eigener Minecraft-Server Shop: store.myste

What is the server IP for Mystery-Dawn?

The server IP address to join Mystery-Dawn Minecraft Server is

Please make sure to be using the right port when adding the server to your Minecraft Client to prevent any connection issues. Most Minecraft Java Servers use the default port (25565), while others use a custom port that you can find right after the server IP address.

How do I play on the Mystery-Dawn Minecraft Server?

  1. Open your Minecraft Launcher and hit the "Play" button.
  2. Once your Minecraft Client has loaded, select the "Multiplayer" button from the main menu.
  3. Select the "Add Server" option, and paste Mystery-Dawn's IP address (
  4. Finally, once the server turns green, you may proceed and press "Join Server" to play on Mystery-Dawn.

What Minecraft version does Mystery-Dawn support?

Mystery-Dawn supports Minecraft version 1.16.5. Keep in mind that most Minecraft Servers might allow you to join with older or newer versions. For more information about version compatibility, please refer to Mystery-Dawn official Discord or website.

Where is Mystery-Dawn Minecraft Server being hosted?

Mystery-Dawn is located in United States. We recommend you choose servers near to your location because the closer the server hosting is to you, the better ping you will experience in-game. You can check the server ping under the "Multiplayer" tab in your Minecraft Client, passing your mouse over the signal icon.

What Minecraft game modes can I play on Mystery-Dawn?

Mystery-Dawn offers Survival game modes to play on. You can always use our "type" filter in our server list to discover the Best Minecraft Servers with your game mode preferences.

What is the Discord for Mystery-Dawn Minecraft Server?

Click here to join Mystery-Dawn's Discord server. This app is very useful to chat with other players, ask for support, and stay up to date with the latest server announcements.

What is the website for the Mystery-Dawn Minecraft Server?

The official website for Mystery-Dawn is On the website, you will find the most relevant information about the server including discussion forums, announcements, rules, latest updates, store, voting sites, and more.

Server Details

Server Status OFFLINE
Server Address
Online Players 0/40
Version 1.16.5
Uptime 0%
Location United States country flag United States
Last Ping 3 minutes ago
Submitted 2021-05-20 02:41 CT
Last Update 2021-05-20 02:41 CT
Game Modes Survival

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