Popular Minecraft Servers December 2024

These are the most popular servers of this month rated by the community based on the votes they get (the more votes, the higher they can rank). Doesn't matter if you are looking for a small or large server, discover your next favorite Minecraft Server that fits your gameplay by type, country, or version. What are you waiting for?

Chaos Hub minecraft server banner
HuabaCraft minecraft server banner
3bf3 Miningames minecraft server banner
Game Styleo minecraft server banner
12archy minecraft server banner
Nightbliz minecraft server banner
Visen SMP minecraft server banner
ElysianMC Practice PVP minecraft server banner
Battle Blocs minecraft server banner
RMX SMP minecraft server banner
RulelessEconomy minecraft server banner
TerraKraft minecraft server banner
Forgotten Wilds minecraft server banner
DDS Gaming minecraft server banner
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